Our Partners help us provide the winning formula!
Anything is possible with our partners!
Let the good times roll!
Alpe Adria International Motorcycle Championship
We have parnterned with AAIMC to bring you the new for 2025 Kawasaki ZX4RR International Championship.
K Tech Suspension
K-tech has always been synonymous with Motorcycle Racing and remaining true to the company's values is central to K-tech's ongoing success.
Jet Prime
For years, some of the best Teams in major National and World competitions choose Jetprime as their technical supplier.
RK CHains
Over 60 years of experience in Motorcycle chains production is one of the leader in motorcycle chain’s market.
Gandini Sprockets
What to do next?
Hit the button below and create your personal race package for 2025 season and we will send you price breakdown, how much you save with all the discounts and other useful information like entry and tyre costs.
The ZX-4RR International championship is one of the most affordable ways to go racing and in these current times that is important. So don’t delay. With only 30 places available we are confident they will go fast.